I love this video - I don't know the people in it but it shows what life is like growing up in New Zealand.
We have water all around us, so going to the beach without crowds was just the norm, the grass is always green - mild summers and mild winters. Our water is cold but we still love swimming or playing on the beach collecting stones, driftwood or playing in the rock pools. Most people have their own gardens so vegs are of plenty and as our winters are mild we are usually outdoors all year round. Trying to create this sort of life for my family is difficult in America but not impossible. Currently in the middle of winter my teenage daughter goes to the gym at the YMCA everyday - it costs $13 a month. She can walk there from High School about a 5 min walk. She goes with a few girl friends to make it interesting and does a variety of things for 2 hours - she loves it.
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